Guess what I’m getting ready to do right now!
I am getting ready to go to church.
And not just any church. I’m going to my Dad’s church!
And, I’m going to wear JEANS. And a TSHIRT. To MY DAD’S CHURCH.
The church that preaches wimmins shouldn’t wear jeans and t-shirts, but dresses and headcoverings.
The “brothers” and “sisters” are going to be p-i-s-s-e-d.
Oooohhhhh…. So how did that go?
(And God won’t be pissed. Nobody else counts in this equation, really. SHAKE ‘EM UP, GIRL! Break down those silly barriers.)
Heehee – so? I want to know if there were gasps as you defiently walked in 😉
heh. what a rebel! 😉
I LOVE IT! My hubby and I wear jeans to church all the time…wait so do our pastors 🙂 It’s all good. God’s looking at your heart…people look at your clothing 🙂
How’d it go?
Hello! Update please.