File this one under "things I could have lived without knowing."

I ran into my friend while out and about. This friend just had a hysterectomy. I was asking her how she was feeling and she went into detail about the changes her body is experiencing. I was ok with what she was saying until she blurted this out.
“My sex life is non existent because I can’t get wet.”
I didn’t react, so she thought perhaps she needed to clarify. She leaned in and semi-whispered…
“I can’t get moist, I lack moisture.”
I think she may have ruined our friendship because I do not know how I’m ever going to be able to look her in the eye again.

9 thoughts on “File this one under "things I could have lived without knowing."

  1. Joe

    You know, from listening to love line on the way home from work I’ve learned there is a cream she can buy to help her with that problem. Has to be prescribed by a doctor. Other than that, I enjoy a moist bunt cake now and then….

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